Tessa Watson
Tessa Watson is a music therapist and trainer with many years experience in various clinical settings. Currently Head of Arts and Play Therapies and Convenor of the MA Music Therapy at the University of Roehampton, Tessa also has an honorary clinical post in an NHS community team for people with learning disabilities. She holds several roles within BAMT (the UK music therapy professional association) and is one of the BJMT Editorial team (online with SAGE). Tessa is an AHP Clinical Expert and an HCPC partner.
Tessa’s research interests are diverse and include clinical work with adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities, the experience of women in secure psychiatric settings, multi-disciplinary work and the development of theories of learning and teaching in the training of Music Therapists. As well as her interests in research Tessa has contributed to the development of the profession through her work with the British Association for Music Therapy; she is currently a Trustee, the International Officer and sits on the Training and Education Committee. Tessa enjoys writing and speaking about her work and has spoken at conferences internationally and in the UK. She delivers workshops and consultation on writing for publication. Some own Tessa’s own notable publications are ‘Supporting the Unplanned Journey’ in Collaboration and Assistance in Music Therapy Practice, London; Jessica Kingsley Publishers (2017), ‘The World is Alive! Music Therapy with Adults with Learning Disabilities’ in the Oxford Handbook of Music Therapy, OUP (2016), Integrated Team Working: Music Therapy as Part of Transdisciplinary and Collaborative Approaches, London; Jessica Kingsley Publishers (2008) with Karen Twyford, and Music Therapy with Adults with Learning Disabilities, London; Routledge (2007).