Call for Participants (updated 18.03.24)
Seeing Eye to Eye; An examination into music therapists’ understanding of the needs of people with both dementia and visual impairment within a UK care home setting.
This MA survey focuses upon music therapists’ understanding of the needs of people with both dementia and visual impairment within a UK care home setting. Participants who; Have trained in the UK and been qualified for a minimum of 6 months, are age 21 or above, have experience working in a care home/s setting and have experience with dementia and vision impairment (VI) are warmly invited to answer this survey. This survey is approximately 10 minutes long and utilises 'tick box' style questions.
Further information and all information sheets can be found of the first page of the survey below. I am very grateful for your time in advance.
Thank you. Lozzie Hollis-Hills, Anglia Ruskin University Student
South American Indigenous Ritual: Insights for Music Therapy
My name is George Murrell and I’m a final year Music Therapy MA student at the University of Roehampton. For my dissertation project, I’m exploring how can the ritual use of music by indigenous communities in Lowland South American can inform Western music therapy.
I’m searching for music therapists who have lived-experience of at least one indigenous community in Lowland South America. Participation in the study will involve an interview of approximately 1 hour, either on Teams or in-person.
If you are interested please contact me at by 1/4/24. Please feel free to share this information widely with any others who may be interested or let me know if there are other networks that I might access to invite participants.
Thank you.
How Do Music Therapists Experience the Use of Breath in their Clinical Work in Palliative Care?
Hello, my name is Elen Morgan-Williams, and I am a final-year MA Music Therapy student at the University of Roehampton.
I am looking for participants for my research project: ‘How Do Music Therapists Experience the Use of Breath in their Clinical Work in Palliative Care?’
I am looking to interview three qualified and registered Music Therapists’ who have current or recent experience of delivering music therapy in palliative care. Participants should have experience of engaging with breath in their music therapy work.
Interview Length: 45-60 minutes.
Location: Online via Microsoft Teams. In-person interviews will be considered to
accommodate individual circumstances.
When: At a mutually convenient time in April.
If you are interested in taking part in this study and would like further information, please contact Elen Morgan-Williams: by 29th March 2024.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you, Elen Morgan-Williams
My name is Sertac Nidai and I am an MA Music Therapy student in my final year of training at the University of Roehampton. I am conducting a qualitative research study that aims to explore the question: How do gender biases impact the experiences of male Music Therapists working in all-female psychiatric wards?
I am inviting 3 male identifying Music Therapists with experience working in all-female psychiatric wards to participate in one hour online interviews. The interviews will be held on Teams and later analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.
If you are interested in participating in this project and would like further information please email by 29th March.
Thank you.
Invitation for research participants: What are autistic music therapists’ experiences of countertransference in clinical work?
My name is Chantel Parsons, and I am an MA Music Therapy student in my final year of study at Roehampton University. I am looking to interview three autistic music therapists (diagnosed or self-identifying) willing to speak about their experiences of countertransference in clinical work.
Participants will take part in a semi-structured individual interview in April via MS Teams, lasting approximately one hour.
If you are interested in participating in this project and would like more information, please email by March 30th.
Thank you!
Tell Out My Soul: An Investigation of Music Therapists’ experiences of using hymns in palliative care
My name is Bea Kinsey and I am a Music Therapy student at the University of Roehampton. I am currently in my final year of study and carrying out a research project that explores the question: How to do music therapists experience the role of hymns in their work in adult palliative care?
It is a qualitative study, and will be carrying out semi-structured interviews, lasting an hour, about music therapists’ use of hymns in adult palliative care. I am looking for three music therapists who have experience in this area to take part. The interviews will be held on Teams or in person.
If you are interested in taking part or would like more information, please email by Friday 29th March 2024.
Thank you!
How Music Therapy Helps Children Manage Bereavement
UWE MA Music Therapy Postgraduate Student is looking for participants to take part in a dissertation research study.
Are you a qualified or trainee music therapist who has experience working with children managing bereavement? To express interest or ask any further questions,
To find out more about the study, and to consent to take part, please click on the link below:
Thank you.
Do you have experience of working with adoptees?
Link to Survey
I am looking for participants to help with my music therapy MA research project. Are you an HCPC registered music therapist who has worked with at least one adoptee?
If so, you are invited to complete a qualitative online questionnaire (via Qualtrics).
This should take no longer than 15 - 30 minutes to complete. Following this, I aim to recruit 3 people to attend an online interview.
These questions will relate to your experience of music therapy with adoptees and there is no right or wrong way to answer the questions. Your contribution is likely to offer valuable insight to music therapists and the adoption community.
I will provide you with an information sheet and you will be asked to complete a consent form and a very brief demographic form to help me to ascertain the range of people taking part.
To find out more and to register your interest, please click on the survey link or or contact me at:
This project has been reviewed by, and received a favourable opinion from the UWE Psychology Ethics Committee: reference IM 150124 PEC 03 Email: and this research is being supervised by Dr Joy Gravestock who you may also contact with
any questions on
Call for Music Therapists - How do young people aged 10-16 with family violence backgrounds present in music therapy?
To read more and express interest in an interview please fill in this short survey available through this link -
Thank you in advance.
Sarah Price, UWE
Why and how do Music Therapists use Hip-Hop and Rap in music therapy groups and what was their experience of this process?
I am a final year Music Therapy student at UWE and am looking for a participants for my MA research dissertation:
Why and how do Music Therapists use Hip-Hop and Rap in music therapy groups and what was their experience of this process?
Are you a Registered Music Therapist or trainee who has used or are using Rap or another area of Hip-Hop in group practice?
Group is defined as MT and clients or MT, other (musician/volunteer/TA) and client(s).
Experiences of songwritingResearch participants are required for a dissertation project investigating music therapists’ experience working with clients using songwriting, with a focus on the underlying theories. Music Therapists must be aged 25 and over, with prior experience of working with clients for at least a year using songwriting.
By exploring music therapists’ experiences working with clients using songwriting, this project is interested in exploring the theories underpinning this work.
The research participants will be invited to complete 6 screening questions. Following this, they may be invited to participate in an online interview, carried out by the Masters student for approximately 60 minutes on Microsoft Teams. The interview will involve discussion of
the participants experiences of songwriting with clients and thoughts about theories underpinning their work when songwriting with clients.
If you are interested in participating or would like more information please contact me via email, Zoe Nicol (3rd year Music Therapy MA student): Alternatively, you can contact my supervisor Ms Joy Gravestock: you.
"Time and Transformation: The Therapeutic Potential of Time and Rhythm in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Musical Clinicians Perspectives,”I am a registered music therapist with BAMT, currently pursuing a Doctorate in Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at the Tavistock and Portmans NHS Trust. The focus of my research is on the therapeutic potential of time and rhythm in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy (C.A.P.P.), specifically exploring perspectives from clinicians with musical backgrounds.
The working title for my doctorate is "Time and Transformation: The Therapeutic Potential of Time and Rhythm in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Musical Clinicians Perspectives,”
I am seeking participants who are members of the Association of Child Psychotherapists (A.C.P) with a minimum of five years of experience and a with a significant musical background, including music therapy. I am conducting 60–90-minute digital semi-structured interviews to explore the significance of time and rhythm in C.A.P.P. I aim to explore how clinicians with a musical background conceptualise these elements in their practice and how they may be represented within the psychoanalytic process.
The study aims to uncover both conscious and unconscious meanings attributed to the role of time and rhythm in C.A.P.P., as well as how participants' musical training informs their thinking in this context.
I am pleased to advise you that the research project has received formal ethical approval from the Tavistock Research and Ethics Committee (T.R.E.C). I am therefore seeking therapists who are dual trained- music therapists registered with the HCPC and with Association of Child Psychotherapists, with a minimum of five years of post-qualifying experience in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy.
Thank you.
Personal Interest Project
My name is Andy Hannan and I am an HSC student at West Wallsend High School in NSW. As a student of Society and Culture, we are required to complete a major work called the Personal Interest Project. This is a 6000-word essay on a topic of our choice and is completed over the course of our HSC year.
My research focus is on music therapy and its effect on those with ASD and dementia. I wanted to inquire to see if you were available for an interview to assist with my primary research. If this is something you would be able to assist me with, I am flexible in respect to when and could complete this via Zoom/Teams or phone. Please let me know if you are interested and I will send the questions to you and organise a time for our interview to occur. As an expert in your field, I really value your time and assistance.
Kind regards,