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Allied Health Professions' Careers Resource

Thinking of becoming an AHP student?

We ask student Allied Health Professionals about their experiences and what advice they have for young people thinking about a career as an AHP.

What are AHPs? Find below a series of three short films which highlight the roles and attributes of a number of the professions. They pose questions to students about whether these roles are the right choice to allow them to fulfil their potential, e.g. Are you a creative type? What are the qualities you need as an AHP? Do you think you’d be a good fit as an AHP? 

Features: Music Therapist, Dramatherapist and Art Therapist.

Features: Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Prosthetists and Orthotists

Features: Speech and Language Therapist, Paramedic and Orthoptists

A Universe of Opportunities for your AHP career

There’s never been a better time to develop your career as an Allied Health Professional and a new animation and careers resource developed by Health Education England can help you do just that. It aims to inspire, motivate and unleash the often untapped talent amongst Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) across the country.

The careers resource includes eight potential areas for career development. Within each area, it provides a wealth of information to highlight the wide range of career development options, all whilst continuing to work clinically if desired. AHP colleagues taking different career journeys from across the 14 disciplines appear on film. Visit the resource to find out what has helped them, how they have overcome barriers and what they enjoy most about their work.

There’s no right or wrong career path and as AHPs, we are fortunate to have so many options. The careers resource is designed to help AHPs decide what’s right for them and help them create those opportunities. The careers resource can help you decide what’s right for you.

The careers resource is hosted on the HEE e-Learning for Healthcare website and can be accessed here: www.e-lfh.org.uk/ahp.