> About > Governance > AGMs & EGMs > 2019 AGM


Saturday 12 October 2019, 11am - 2.30pm

We would like to thank all our members who attended the AGM on 12th October 2019.

If you are a member of the BAMT please login to the website for a link to the Governance Committee presentation by Marianne Rizkallah, BAMT Vice Chair & Governance Committee member. Also available is also a postscript to the video giving you an update on the actions discussed at the AGM day.

AGM Documents

AGM Debate

“This house believes the Chair of the British Association for Music Therapy does not need to be a music therapist”

Although BAMT had several expressions of interest and one firm offer to step into the role, we have not been able to fill the role of Chair in the most recent recruitment process. Our memorandum and articles state that the chair of BAMT must be a music therapist, but Membership feedback suggests that the role of Chair feels too big to fit around the busy working life of a practising clinician music therapist.

A Chair of an organisation has duties relating to how the organisation is run: does this need specific qualities that can only be found in music therapists, or is the right person for the job someone who has high-level experience of leading a charity?