BAMT Conference 2016
Re-Visioning our Voice: Resourcing music therapy for contemporary needs
April 2016, Glasgow
The healthcare landscape in the UK, and beyond, has been in
flux for some time. Like many arts-based, health-related professions, it is time
for music therapists to reconsider our voice, our value, and our public
The BAMT 2016 Conference seeks to explore how music therapists might develop
practices, articulate music therapy visions, values and professional
currencies, and better engage with the demands, needs and expectations of
service users, commissioners, funders, and the health professions at large. How
might we re-vision our practice-discourses, our 'voice'?
The conference will welcome presentations and workshops from
all areas of music therapy practice:local, regional, national and
international. We hope that music therapists, commissioners, funders, and other
professionals, will emerge from the conference better informed, networked, and
more confident and courageous in engaging with the contemporary funding and professional
Date: 8 – 10 April 2016
Venue: Technology & Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow