The Christians in Arts Therapy Network is restarting its regular online gatherings in anticipation of the next National gathering in July 2024 (venue to be confirmed). As always, each gathering will be focused around prayer and multi-modal worship and there will be time for peer support, exploration of clinical/professional issues and presentations of research findings.
Forthcoming dates:
20.03.2024 - online gathering, 8pm - 9.30pm
21.05.2025 - online gathering, 8pm - 9.30pm
20.07.2024 - National gathering in person, venue tbc, 10am - 4pm.
The network is led by Adam Kishtainy (music psychotherapist) and Rebekah Porter (dramatherapist) and the membership includes art, drama, dance-movement and music therapists (including those in training).
If you would like to join the network please contact or go to to read our vision and find out more.