Music Therapy for EHCPs
Thursday, October 10 · 7 - 9pm GMT+1
This 2-hour online workshop is presented by Rebecca Ellis, Executive Director of Jessie’s Fund and Ray Travasso, Clinical Director of Suffolk Music Therapy Services. A general overview of what an EHCP is, the legislation and key principles every Music Therapist needs to know as well as case examples will be covered. This event seeks to equip and support Music Therapists wishing to submit proposals for Music Therapy for a child’s EHCP.
It will increase your understanding of what evidence is required for an EHCP, provide perspectives both from Music Therapists and Casework Managers as well as also ask the question - what if Music Therapy needs to come off an EHCP?
While the process for similar support operates differently in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, this event seeks to share learning and advice which can be incorporated into Statements of Educational Needs, IEPs and EHCs. This session will be held online via Zoom and Recording Only tickets are available.
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