Published: Mon 1st June

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Journal Articles:
Editorial (1)
An Investigation into Music Therapists' Clinical Experience of Working with the Visually Impaired (p3-17)
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The following study set out to investigate how an understanding of music therapists’ clinical ex-perience with the visually impaired could inform best practice with this client group. The re-searcher employed a qualitative methodology rooted in a descriptive phenomenological approach. Five music therapists were interviewed about their clinical experience working with visually impaired clients. Giorgi’s (1975) model of meaning condensation was then adopted for the analysis stage. The main conclusion arising from the study was that direct touch played an emphasised role and should be used in a supportive way to facilitate client independence in the areas of orientation and instrumental playing. The use of touch for acknowledgement and encouragement purposes was also found. The increased use of a therapist’s spoken voice also emerged, with some interesting views on how changes in tone and pitch could be used more communicatively in the absence of perceived facial expressions. The importance of tactile experiences was made clear both in the process of selecting appropriate instruments and in offering clients vibrotactile opportunities using stringed instruments. Some brief but interesting analysis of the use of the iPad in one participant’s clinical work was discussed. Some issues and suggestions were raised for current training programmes. Some areas for further research were identified. Keywords: blind, education, music, music therapy, rehabilitation, visually impaired
Looking inside the Profession with Kenneth Aigen (p18-26)
Book Reviews
Caroline Miller (ed.): Assessment and Outcomes in the Arts Therapies: A Person-Centred Approach (p27-28)
Giorgos Tsiris, Mercédès Pavlicevic & Camilla Farrant: A Guide to Evaluation for Arts Therapists and Arts & Health Practitioners; Camilla Farrant, Mercédès Pavlicevic and Giorgos Tsiris: A Guide to Research Ethics for Arts Therapists and Arts & Health Practitioners (p28-32)
Debbie Carroll and Claire Lefebvre: Clinical Improvisation Techniques in Music Therapy: A Guide for Students, Clinicians and Educators (p33-34)
Benita Rae Smith and Alice Slucklin (eds): Tackling Selective Mutism: A Guide for Professionals and Parents (p35-40)
Journal Watch (p41)
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The purpose of BJMT’s Journal Watch is to alert readers to material which they may find of interest within English- language music therapy journals. Articles of fewer than three pages are omitted, as are book reviews regardless of length. Items are arranged alphabetically by first author under journal titles. Articles in French in the Canadian Journal of Music Therapy have also been omitted, but the editors can supply citations on request. Readers will notice that Journal Watch is much shorter than last year, listing articles from only the Australian and Canadian journals. (The New Zealand Journal of Music Therapy did not publish in 2014.) The two US journals are now published by OUP and their contents lists are freely available online. This is also true of the Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, and henceforth neither this nor the US journals will have their contents listed in BJMT. The URLs of these publications are given below. The space released will allow us to include Text Watch in every future issue of BJMT, thus providing a more up-to-date picture of the latest writing in the field.
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